So Many Fun Ways to Stay Active...

It is said that "people make a community". At Sun City Roseville there are over 50 shared interest clubs. The number of clubs and groups may increase as residents find new hobbies to explore.

To find details the various activities offered by the resident clubs and groups please read The Village Courier Magazine available on the resident website under the "Community" tab.

Included here is a list of Charted Clubs: Billiards Club, Bocce, Boomer Generation, Bridge Club, Computer Club, Creative Arts, Croquet, Dance, Fine Arts, Garden Club, Golden Niners, He & She Golf, Needle Arts, Pickleball Club, SCR Singers Club, Second Act Studio Drama Club, Sierra Pines Ladies Golf, Softball, Tennis, Timber Creek Men's Golf, Timber Creek Women's Golf, Travel Club, Veterans & Patriots.

Included here is a listing of the Groups: All Tuned Up, Birders, Bunco, Cinema, Conservative Action Group, Cornhole, Cribbage, Cycling Group, Democrats, Dog Owners Group, Harmonicoots, Healthcare Professionals Group, Hiking, Investors, Jewish Fellowship Circle, Ladies Poker, Mah Jongg, Men's Poker, Music & Laughter, Newcomers, Pinochle, Solo Friends Group, Socrates Cafe, Table Tennis, Ukulele, and Volleyball.

Sherri Walker