Some of the Most Frequently Asked Questions...

Is there an age requirement?

Yes, homes in Sun City Roseville are intended for occupancy by at least one (1) person over 55 years in age, with some exceptions. According to the Fair Housing Act, at least 80% of residences within the community must be occupied by at least one person over the age of 55.

A “Qualifying Resident” means a person fifty-five (55) years of age or older who resides in a residence within Sun City Roseville.

Who manages Sun City Roseville?

Sun City Roseville Community Association, Inc. (SCRCA) is a non-profit corporation established to operate all of the community’s facilities and is responsible for common area maintenance. Del Webb Corporation turned over control of the Association to SCRCA in 1997. While some homeowner associations hire a management company to run their operations, Sun City Roseville is self-managed. A seven-member Board of Directors is elected by the residents to administer the affairs of the Association. SCRCA employs close to 300 employees, including an on-site Executive Director, and fourteen (14) department managers who are responsible for day-to-day operations of the Association. The Board of Directors conducts monthly meetings that are open to all residents.

Is Sun City Roseville financially secure?

With our excellent management team in place we have a robust building plan, and our reserves are funded 100%. Our assessments need to cover only half the cost of operations expenses because our businesses yield a significant profit that can be used for operations. Here is the information on the financial security of Sun City Roseville.

About Policy & Guidelines violations?

Complaint Report Forms are available at the Timber Creek Lodge Administrative Offices. Once the form is completed, simply place it in the SCRCA Drop Box located on the Rose Garden side of the Timber Creek Lodge. The Community Standards Department will follow-up with an investigation if it is a valid complaint. Status reports are not given by Civil Law. Please know that a written complaint includes a process. Be sure to include a complete description of your concern, along with your name, address, phone number, and email address. Due to the limited number of staff and the volume of complaints received, priority is given to valid written complaints with contact information over anonymous written complaints.

Are Board Meetings open to residents?

The Board of Directors conducts monthly meetings and these meetings are open to all residents. Much of the work of the Board is handled by additional standing committees i.e. Architectural Review Committee, Compliance Committee, Chartered Clubs Committee, Finance Committee, Governing Affairs Committee, Golf Committee, Properties Committee, and the Sports Activties Committee.

What about committees / volunteering?

Sun City Roseville residents can enjoy the rewarding experience of volunteering. Sharing your time and talent within the community either as committee members, resident-elected members of the Board of Directors, Neighborhood Watch captains, Club leaders, facilities montitors, tending to the Timber Creek Lodge Library, or assisting with a wide variety of other activities can be an extremely rewarding social part of living in Sun City Roseville.

What is my assessment fee?

The regular assessment is a fee paid quarterly by all homeowners. It is used to finance the operation and maintenance of the association for the enjoyment of members. The amount of the assessment is determined through an annual budget process in which all members are welcome to participate. Here is more general information on homeowner Fees.

Is Sun City Roseville Pet Friendly?

Pets are loved and valued companions of many Sun City residents. Having a pet helps you get out of the house, exercise, meet new people, reduces stress, and so much more. For Sun City Roseville pet owners, pets can help reduce stress, lower blood pressure, increase social interaction and physical activity. Sun City Roseville pets are truly part of our community. Pet companions are welcome on the Timber Creek Lodge and Sierra Pines Patios.

Sun City Roseville is extrememly proud of our annual participation in fundrasing efforts for the SPCA of Placer County. All proceeds of fundrasing efforts help the SPCA of Placer County to continue its work providing lifesaving programs and services that benefit the people and pets of our community.

Sun City Roseville makes use of an active Goose Patrol program. Trained dogs owned by residents, including small breeds such as yorkies to large breeds such as German Shepherds. These trained companions of the Goose Patrol are used to herd geese off the golf courses in compliance with fish and wildlife regulations.

Placer County does have a leash law requiring your valued companion pet to be kept on leash. It is in everyone’s best interest to obey leash laws and keep pets, themselves and the public safe and free from any bad experiences which may occur if a pet is loose.

About Visitors in Sun City Roseville?

Residents may invite family and friends to visit as frequently as they would like. However, guests may reside with a resident for a limit of 60 days in a calendar year unless an exception is approved prior to the extended stay. Here is more information on Family members, Children, Grandchildren, and non-resident visitors.

Are there fees to use the Amenities?

The Timber Creek Fitness Center, indoor and outdoor pools, and wide variety of sports courts are all available to members of Sun City Roseville. To use these amenities residents must show a membership card. Membership cards are made available to residents with a Special Use Fee from the Administration Offices.

Sun City Roseville's Restuarant & Lounge, and two (2) championship golf courses are open to the public. Members of Sun City Roseville can purchase a variety of golf play passes (in the Administration Offices) which provide discounted fee course play.

For the convienance of our residents, free WiFi is available inside the Timber Creek Lodge.

Can renters use the Amenities?

A renter can join the Association and receive a membership card, provided the property owner has paid the Special Use Fee (also known as an SUF). Membership cards allow the individual holding that membership card to use the amenities and sign up for activities, just as homeowners do.

Stacey Raine