As a section 501(c) Nonprofit Homeowners Association...

Leadership through Volunteerism is the foundation of our Community. Here at Sun City Roseville, the membership-elected resident-volunteer Board of Directors and Association Staff all work closely to conduct the business of the Association.

Our volunteers bring their skills, experience and talents to a wide variety of volunteer opportunities by serving: on the Board of Directors, as Neighborhood Watch Captains, as Club & Group Leaders, on Standing and Required Committees. Volunteers also provide service with a assortment of other activities such as: the Sun City Library, Sunshine Services, and the Foundation. Volunteers are a gift to the Community. Volunteering helps keep Sun City Roseville the premier active adult Community in Northern California.

Our membership-elected, volunteer, seven (7) member Board of Directors has a fiduciary responsibility to remain loyal to the Members’ best interests, to perform within the regulations of the Governing Documents, and to exercise care in preserving the financial health of the Association. Why not volunteer and make a difference!

Connie Kincaid